Arch Construction Animation

Fully bonded structural arch with hidden stainless steel lintels

Reinforced Brick Cladding

SAFESECURE®  Secure retention of facing bricks in all situations.

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Featured Clients

Granary Wharf Chelsea

This prestigious development in Lots Road, Chelsea features structural segmental brick arch lintels supplied with calculations to meet building control regulations.

Bekynton Field, Eton College

Bekynton Field is the largest new development at Eton College since it was founded.

The £19 million development includes 40 new classrooms for modern languages, economics and politics, as well as a lecture theatre and exhibition space.

It features conservation-grade brickwork as well as stonework features and more than 80 brick arches.

Jafar Hall, Eton College

This award winning project features conservation grade brickwork as well as stonework features and more than 80 brick arches for which Brick Cutters produced 28 of the more complicated arches.

Draycott House, Chelsea

This fine example of carved brickwork is for Draycott House in Chelsea. Brick Cutters prepared and supplied the fully washed rubbers, and shared the bricklaying role for the fine jointed ashlar work with the brick carvers, Daniel Mundy and colleagues.

Elizabeth Garrett Anderson Hospital

The hospital was completed in 1890 and remained as a hospital until 2000.

After lying derelict, it was repaired and refurbished for its current use as part of the Unison Centre.