Animated Structural Arch Construction

Segmental Lintel   Flat Lintel   Circular Lintel
Arch Construction Animation

Fully bonded structural arch with hidden stainless steel lintels

Reinforced Brick Cladding

SAFESECURE®  Secure retention of facing bricks in all situations.

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Your privacy is important to us. This policy explains what personal information we have, how we use it and how you can check and update any of your personal information. For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, “we” means Brick Cutting and Safe Secure Cladding Ltd.


Why do we collect your personal information? 

We collect information to help manage your account:

  • To deliver products and services relevant to you.
  • To improve our products and services and develop new ones.
  • And to help us run and grow our business.

The personal information we have about you includes things like who you are and your interest in our products and services. Who you are includes:

  • Your name and business title
  • Your business name and address


Where do we get your information?

We collect information mainly when you or your company become a customer, contact us and when you use our products and services. For example when you:

  • Register online or take part in market research.
  • Get in touch with us to ask something.
  • Enter any promotions, competitions or prize draws through one of our services.
  • Go to our website.

We also collect information from other sources, including business directories and other commercially or publicly available sources.


How we use your information

We use and analyse your information to keep in touch with you and to supply and improve our products and services. We will also use your information to tell you about products and services that we think may interest you.  Sometimes we'll combine and anonymise this information so you won't be identified. In particular, this means using your information to:

  • Manage your account.
  • Get in touch with you (e.g. if we need to tell you about any problems with a service).
  • Look at markets, write reports or carry out research and number crunching.
  • Look into any complaints or questions you may raise.

Or to:

  • Tell you about a new service that we think may interest you
  • Check what you're interested in, so we can offer (and develop) relevant products and services.
  • Improve our products and services and develop new ones.
  • Send you information about our products and services by phone, post, email, text, picture message, online banner advertising, or other ways. For some of this marketing activity we need your consent and, in those circumstances, we will only send you messages if you have asked to receive them.

We are allowed to use your information in these ways and share the information as described below because:

  • We need to so that we can provide you with products and services and to manage your account with us.
  • Some of our use of your information is necessary for our legitimate business interests (such as conducting market research).
  • You have given your consent to us using your data in relation to some forms of use. For example, in relation to using your information to send you marketing messages. You can opt out of this at any time.


How we share your information

In connection with the purposes described above, we may share your information with others. This might mean:

  • With our agencies and their sub-contractors or prospective partners who help us run our business.
  • With any public authority or law enforcement agency (if they ask for it).
  • To comply with law or regulations, or for possible legal proceedings.
  • If you give us personal information that's wrong or we find out (or think) you're responsible for fraud. In these circumstances we might share your information with third parties such as law enforcement agencies, credit reference agencies and other affected third parties.
  • If one of our partners who are processing information for us are compelled to do so by law.
  • If there's an emergency and we think you or other people are at risk.


Why we keep hold of your information

There are certain reasons we have to keep hold of your information.

We keep information while your company is our customer or after you've left us, but only as long as we need it for the purposes described above. How long we keep it depends very much on the type of information and purpose. 

For example, we might need to sort out disagreements, stop fraud and abuse, prove that you had an account with us or follow our legal obligations. Or the police may need it as evidence. We may also keep information about how you use our products or services. 

In each case, the length of time that we need to keep the information may be different, but we will only keep the information for as long as we need it.


Your rights

You have a number of legal rights in relation to the information that we hold about you, including:

  • The right to request details of the information we have about you. There are a couple of ways to do this and some requests have to be writing for legal reasons. Details on how to do this can be found below.
  • The right to withdraw your consent to the use of your information where we are relying on that consent (for example, you can opt out of receiving marketing messages from us). Please note that we may still be entitled to process your information if we have another legitimate reason (other than consent) for doing so.
  • The right to ask that we update your information if it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • The right to ask that we erase your information in certain circumstances. Please note that there may be circumstances where you ask us to erase your information but we are legally entitled to retain it.
  • The right to request that we restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances. Again, there may be circumstances where you ask us to restrict the processing of your information, but we are legally entitled to refuse that request.
  • The right to make a complaint with the Information Commissioner you think that any of your rights have been infringed by us. 


How to check and update your email information

To look at your personal information, click on the Preference link in any email we send you, where you can also change the name and email address we are currently using.

If you don't want us to send you relevant offers or marketing information, you can opt out anytime by clicking on the Unsubscribe link in any email we send you.



Like other sites, we use cookies. A cookie is like a tag that some sites put on your computer or phone when you visit them so they can recognise you next time. Find out more here: 


Contact us

If you want to know more about how we use your information or to raise any queries with us in relation to your information, you can Contact Us .


Requesting your personal data

Under Section 7 of the Data Protection Act 1998 Act, you have the right to access your personal data held by Bulmer Brick Cutting Services. This is known as a Subject Access Request (SAR). You can make a SAR to receive your own personal data. Or a third party can make a SAR for you, with proof they have your permission. Only information considered to be your personal data will be released under a SAR. To make a valid SAR, you must put your request in writing to Brick Cutting and Safe Secure Cladding Ltd.

Structural Arch Projects

Bekynton Field, Eton College

Bekynton Field is the largest new development at Eton College since it was founded.

The £19 million development includes 40 new classrooms for modern languages, economics and politics, as well as a lecture theatre and exhibition space.

It features conservation-grade brickwork as well as stonework features and more than 80 brick arches.

St Pancras Renaissance Hotel

After a  decade-long transformation the Midland Grand hotel, the Victorian palace attached to St Pancras station, was returned it to its original luxury in 2011.

Granary Wharf Chelsea

This prestigious development in Lots Road, Chelsea features structural segmental brick arch lintels supplied with calculations to meet building control regulations.

Kew Gardens Library and Herbarium

structural steel brick lintelsThe Library is an impressive timber and brick clad facade around a precast concrete frame. Brick Cutters was asked to design and supply the massive 12m hidden steel lintels to the large glass entrance and windows.

Jafar Hall, Eton College

This award winning project features conservation grade brickwork as well as stonework features and more than 80 brick arches for which Brick Cutters produced 28 of the more complicated arches.

Kings Cross Station

The 1852 Grade 1 listed station has been completely refurbished and massively expanded whilst the station remained open for business. Brick Cutters designed & supplied large span brick arch lintels with hidden structural support that could be man handled into position without crane access.

St Pancras Station

brick archesWest Elevation arches were set out & hand cut at Brick Cutters' workshops. The project won 4 titles and high praise from Judges at the 2006 Brick Awards. The Renaissance Hotel was completed in 2010 in similar style and quality.